CISF - the CSR initiative from CI

Our company, Computers International comes an SMB Organization, is engaged in providing software services to our clients worldwide. We have 125+ full time employees in the company.
Nowadays, the consciousness of every one of the educated masses is to contribute back to the society at least a little of what they have got from life. None of my staff members are an exemption to this great philosophy of life. Not only they perform their individual social responsibilities, but also join together to collectively discharge the corporate social responsibilities. All the members raise up to any occasion, whether it is a monthly contribution to the Computers International Social Fund or for the special occasion as disaster relief, etc.
CISF vision is :
To help contribute to enabling the underprivileged to take care of their education, health care requirements as a foundation for an equitable and humane society.
The current focus areas are 1. Educational 2.Health Care 3. Social rehabilitation¨Art and Culture while Indian Art and Culture preservation will be taken up at appropriate time in the future.
The fund operates through the monthly voluntary contributions of the CIians which is matched by the company apart from other voluntary contributions. Year on year, it provides Educational assistance to a minimum of 20 students referred by the staff members apart from providing footwear to a Government School. Every New Year begins with voluntary Blood donation by eligible CIians. Apart from these are our other activities like providing monthly food items to Orphanages, Old age home visits coupled with getting them the required items, etc. All these activities have been going on for more than 5 years now.
I am really proud of every CIian for coming out to do this initiatives year on year. Thank you my friends for making me to live up to my dreams. CISF also would welcome any voluntary contribution from the readers - please no amount is small. Cheques can be made out in the name of CISF, Chennai.
May we continue with great strength and vigour all our actionswhich will light up somebody's lives even to a small extent.


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