What is Entrepreneurship?
A very basic question -but when I wanted to start writing the explanation - I literally got stumped. yes the dictionary meaning is simple but is it so simple... yes and no will be my answer Merriam-Webster: “one who organizes, manages and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise it is simple - my flower vendor at the road corner or my vegetable vendor in a push cart certify to the simplicity of the meaning, Then if it is so simple, why are many of us struggling. May it is got to do with the complexity of the business?. I don't think so - because even many a vegetable vendor had given up ending up with losses - Over the years the Forbes 100 list has been changing. Some of the top 100 in the last century are no more... So while I was going on thinking about it. I felt that entrepreneurship is not just about a brilliant idea or filling the need or providing a solution - it is also about endurance, perseverance and ri...