getting back to writing

back to active work after a long time had kept me away from even visiting this site, as once I visit, I cannot resist writing.

The next thing was what to write.  There were a lot of things happening around me both in personal, organization and social life around me so every time I would think, a nice subject to blog about, but the work overload would make me to push it to the next day.

Ok, after having started back :  Let me term this as a confessions of about Daily5 goal setting. 
Let me start with the context :  In our office, we are reading through the Robin Sharma's book :  The leader Who had No Title - a really wonderful book with every chapter, every page, every sentence and every word - a very very meaningful one.  If only we get to practice all those said in the book, then the whole world would be totally a different world.  Anyways, I hope some of us are absorbing at least 10-20% of what he has written - which would by itself create a vast change in the atmosphere.

Coming to the point of Daily 5 :  One of the small tips or tricks he writes about is that everyday set up 5 goals(tasks) that you want to accomplish.  Having discussed this in the group, I started practicing it in right earnest.  Voila!  On those days, in which I had spelt out in the xl sheet the 5 tasks, I could accomplish on an average of 3 at least, but when there was no entry, I couldn't even remember what I had done.  I find that this tool is really very very helpful in terms of accomplishing my monthly goal.  Yes you are right,  like the work breakdown structure (WBS) talked about in Project Management, I have split my long term goal into short term and from that I have derived a monthly model too.  From which this daily5 is slowing taking shape.  I know that this will become a great game changer.  let me work on this small trick and I will definitely come back to let the whole world know how much this tool has helped me in the long run.

Thats all for now.
Talk to you soon


Sriram said…
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Wonderful to see you starting again to write here...Have been waiting for a while... And loved the WBS form of goal setting every day....I have been following a similar pattern for several years now taught to me by Amitava Ghosh and it really help..... Keep writing.

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