Freedom at last

It is a defining moment for Myanmar when Suu Kyi was released on Saturday evening for the first time since 2003 being in jail and later under house arrest for the last 15 years since 1989.  What a determined Lady this person is.  The Woman of this Century definitely.  Especially having to overcome the personal problem of not being able to be with her Cancer ridden husband during his last moments.  The Government refused the visa for the husband and she was warned that she cannot enter the country, if she were to leave to be with her husband.  This woman, chose to be in Myanmar, placing the nation's interest over her personal need.   A through and through Patriot indeed.  Myanmar is really blessed to have this lady as her daughter.

May she live long and see that proper democracy is restored in Myanmar.  For me Myanmar always invokes a sense of patriotism, as I know that there were a lot of Indians who got killed during the fight against the British and then later the other oriental forces.  For me, it is a land filled with tall beautiful trees, filled with abundance of nature's love.  One day, I would love to visit this country and enjoy myself to my hearts content.


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