Staying Positive

At one time, I was a very avid blogger, I probably got into a hole where I wanted to write, but wasnt in the mood to pen down and there has been a lot of gap. But one thing I have learnt is that it has got me great friends, it has got my friendships strengthened, it has opened up new avenues etc.
Now these days, I am very much bogged with whats happening within my office. There has been small, medium, large issues with each teams. One of our friends used to say that - what your power is determined by how many number of issues you can face head on in your daily life and still continue to go ahead. Life hasnt been great these days with so much tension - all of course related to business - with competitor being very aggressive and trying to eat into our business ( this is the pain of being small - that you cannot counter the biggies aggressiveness every step of the way), taken by surprise by these attacks, recruitment pressure, operations pressure - Oh life is so sweeeet...................... isnt.
But all this is teaching me the value of remaining positive - if you are positive, nothing shakes you for long, you get back to your form very quickly, think of what steps to take. I am pretty sure that I wont lose my business however much the other party tries. I am a very firm believer in the Supreme Power - the love of God for me is so great that HE is taking care of my every step with infinite gentleness, protecting me from pitfalls, making me grow, and also have Peace within myself. At my core,I am calm. What more do I need.
Isn't this what The Secret teaches you - isn't it what Law of Attraction is all about. I want to shout from the top of the hill that It is for you to Ask and there you get it (whatever it may be). So make sure to ask the right things.
The final take is " Believe in Yourself and Be Positive all the time - Only Good things will happen to you.


Umasree said…
Sarada Akka,

One side I am excited you came back to Blogging, otherside little disappointing to know the issues.... But still as you said

1. Look upon God, when its beyond you

2. Faith and Faith only wins

3. There is no problem in this world without a solution...and problems only come to people who know to find solutions

4. If you want something really in life and ask for it whole heartedly, the whole world conspires to make it happen for you

5. Things that have grown with wisdom, faith and hardwork will never fail. There may be storms, but the ship will always sail to the shore successfully

These are few things that came to my mind as I read your post

I am sure you will cross this bridge. For you are not just the go-getter but a living inspiration to amateurs like me


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