Schools for coaching...

I promised myself that I would write about America and my impressions while on travel, but probably, I am getting old and travel schedules are catching up with me that I couldn't honour my promise.

Here I am in India, got bogged down with routines and trying to cope up with the day to day work...

Anyway breaking free of the shackles, I am back to this blog write up. I wanted to share the funny coaching schools that have sprung up in US, atleast one in particular, about which I read about in Newspaper. There is this school which is for the first timers - guess what... The first timers to the jail and lock up. Nowadays with the white collar crimes increasing this school teaches or takes the enrolled students through - what is jail, what to expect out of it, how to be prepared for the hard life, the dos and donts, etc.

As soon as I saw this newspaper article, I burst out laughing forgetting for a moment that I was in the airlines lounge with other passengers nearby. Look where the world has come. Not only that the school was boasting that there were a lot of sign ups for the classes.

Looking away from the tragic situation, I realised how somebody had an entrepreneurial and innovative thinking to start something which is the need of the hour. How smart isn't. Forget about what this school is all about, look at somebody working at solving someone else pain point. Isn't this what all business are about.

With this question, I am signing off this post.


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